Category: Spring and Spring Boot
When you are working on complex systems that are built using multiple micro-services, you will need to know the integrations between them, especially when you are accepting user input. I’ve worked most of my career in the banking and payments industry and knowing what was received and what was returned back to the user is not only important for investigating problems, but a requirement for auditing in certain scenarios. And even if you are not legally required, it is extremally...
In many situations, you want to allow users to login into your application using an existing account from another provider, like Google or Microsoft. This way you don’t have to add more complexity and security risks to your web app since the password is not stored on your server. You will only need to store the email and maybe some personal details, however, the password is stored on the provider’s servers and you won’t have to deal with registration or...
Up until now, I wrote most of my articles for Play Framework, even though I use almost exclusively Spring Boot in my daily job. Well, how about we change things a bit and this time I will be writing about Spring. And what better article than a way to make your code more stable and easier to maintain and debug? So, Spring has a feature that lets you schedule job executions at certain times or at regular intervals. The @Scheduled...